January 29, 1999 the 20th annual Kangeiko was held at the Yoseikan Hombu dojo in Covington, KY. This years intense six hour training was lead by Kyoshi Dometrich assisted by Renshi James Davenport. A record number of participants attended from Kentucky, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida.
The end of February Kyoshi and Okusan Dometrich drove to West Palm Beach Florida at the request of Sensei James Matthews and his wife Kathy. Kyoshi and Okusan met up with Hanshi Masami Tsuruoka and his wife Kay who flew to West Palm Beach from Toronto also at the request of Sensei Matthews. Sensei David Tollis flew in from Rochester, New York. Kyoshi Dometrich and Hanshi Tsuruoka taught three classes in West Palm Beach. After a week of sightseeing, fishing, and just good company, Kyoshi, Okusan, Hanshi and Kay Tsuruoka, Sensei and Kay Matthews, and Sensei Tollis drove to Orlando to hold a Clinic at Shihan Art Rott's Dojo. After the clinic a party was held For Shihan Rott's 81st Birthday. All those who participated in the clinics in Florida had a unique experience training with Kyoshi Dometrich and Hanshi Tsuruoka. We are all looking forward to February 2000 so that we may meet there once again and celebrate Shihan Art's 82nd Birthday.
March 13th a celebration was held for Kyoshi Dometrichs 64th birthday with a National Test Board for black belt testing and a four-hour karate clinic. After the clinic a Banquet was held at the Yoseikan Hombu.
March 21st, U.S. Chito-kai students participated in the Ohio AAU state tournament. The majority qualified to go to the Regional tournament in Chicago.
April saw twelve students along with Kyoshi Dometrich and Okusan traveling to Las Vegas Nevada to attend the Shihan Ozawa Memorial Karate Tournament. Shihan Ozawa's wife Magaly, and James Tawatao sponsored the memorial services and did an excellent job organizing the tournament, services and reception party. There were many clinics taught by: Sensei Mikami, Sensei Teruo Chinen, Sensei Oishiro, Sensei Kenzo Mabuni and Sensei Kanzawa . Once again we are all looking forward to the next Las Vegas trip.
April 24, The students who qualified in the Ohio State Championships traveled with AAU 99 Kyoshi Dometrich and Sensei Byers to the Regional AAU eliminations in Chicago. Every student from Sensei Byers school and the Yoseikan hombu qualified to attend the national tournament to be held at Disney World in Orlando Florida.
May 8th-9th several students from The Yoseikan Hombu dojo in Covington, KY and the Frankfort, KY dojo traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the Okinawan Masters Seminars sponsored by Sensei Dan Smith (a student of Sensei Zempo Shimabukuro, Shorin-ryu). The following seven Instructors were there to teach clinics all day Saturday:
Hanshi Shugoro Nakazato Shorin-ryu 10th Dan.
Hanshi Ryuko Tomoyose Uechi-ryu 9th Dan
Hanshi Meitatsu Yagi Goju-ryu 10th Dan
Hanshi Zempo Shimabukuro Shorin-ryu 9th Dan
Hanshi Monaru Yonamine Shorin-ryu 9th Dan
Kyoshi Tsguoshi Uechi Isshin-ryu 8th Dan
Kyoshi Buntoku - Ifuku Kobudo 8th Dan
Each student attending the Saturday seminar was allowed to participate in four clinics each. Some students attended the same clinic twice because they enjoyed the training so much. A reception to meet all the Masters was held on Friday night at Sensei Dan Smiths home and a dinner was held afterwards at a local seafood restaurant.
May 22, Sensei Patrick McCarthy visited the Yoseikan Hombu as a surprise uisit on a Tuesday class night. Sensei McCarthy had been the guest of Tyler West of Frankfort, KY hosting a seminar in Lexington Ky. While visiting the Hombu, Sensei McCarthy gave a short lecture and taught a class while here. As always the students enjoyed his lecture and training. Sensei McCarthy was on his way to Venezuela to teach a seminar.
First week of July, Kyoshi Dometrich and Okusan drove once more to Florida to attend the National AAU Championships held at Disney World. Many students and their families attended the week long event from the Hombu and Sensei Byers school in Cincinnati Ohio. All Chito-ryu participants came in first, second, third or fourth in their divisions. While visiting Florida, Kyoshi Dometrich and Sensei Byers, taught a Monday night class at Shihan Art Rotts dojo in Orlando.
July 17th Shochugeiko (Summer training) was held at Big Bone Park in Kentucky.Shochugeiko 99 Eighty-four students attended the four hour seminar in the intense heat which was led by Kyoshi Dometrich and Renshi James Davenport. After the training a picnic was held for family and friends of the participants.
The months of June, July, and August a remodeling project was started at the Yoseikan Hombu including a new back porch, new fences, additional garden expansion, outdoor lighting, remodeling of the Zen-do, and central air conditioning in the building next to the main dojo. It has been a long project but very rewarding for those who participated. Students from Florida, Maryland, and the Hombu helped with the project.
Labor Day weekend, September 3rd, 4th and 5th Kyoshi Dometrich, Okusan, students and parents of the Yoseikan Hombu Covington, KY traveled to Chicago, Illinois to attend the Windy City VII Traditional Karate Tournament hosted by Joe Gonzales, a Shotokan stylist. The Hombu adult team won first place in the team Kata competition and the youth team won second place team in kata. Several individuals also won medals in their divisions.
September 18th, 1999 Angel Ross, a student of Fumio Demura, sponsored his fifth annual karate clinic in Connollsville, Pennsylvania. Taught by Fumio Demura and Kyoshi Dometrich, 31 Chito-ryu students from the Hombu and the Pittsburgh dojo attended the seminar, total attendance was about 52. Three clinics were taught, two by Shihan Demura, one on sai and one on the nunchaku and Kyoshi Dometrich taught Chito-ryu strategy. A banquet was held at a local restaurant after to celebrate Shihan Demura's Birthday. All who attended are looking forward to returning for the next clinic in September 2000.