On January 30th the United States Chito-ryu Karate Federation held its nineteenth "Kangeiko" (winter training) at the Yoseikan Hombu in Covington, Kentucky. As usual the workout was hard and the sweat flowed freely under the capable direction of Sensei James Davenport. The 98 kangeiko, while not as large as last years (the 97 kangeiko was the largest to date) was still crowded and towels were needed to wipe the sweat from the dojo floor.
Kyoshi Dometrich and Okusan flew to West Palm Beach, Florida as the guest of Sensei James Matthews and his students. While there, Kyoshi taught a clinic on the basic concepts of Chito-ryu as he had learned them from Doctor Tsuyoshi Chitose (the styles founder) over forty years ago. The clinic helped everyone present to gain new insight into Doctor Tsuyoshi Chitose's genius and Chito-ryu.
Upon leaving West Palm, Kyoshi and Okusan traveled to Orlando, Florida where another clinic was held on February 28th at the large dojo of Shihan Arthur Rott. A birthday party was held for Shihan Rott who was 80 years young. Everyone can learn a valuable lesson from Shihan Rott who teaches for free. His love of karate and his students knows no boundaries. |
April 10, 11, and 12 found several members of the United States Chito-ryu Karate Federation in Las Vegas, Nevada at the 18th Annual Traditional Karate Tournament sponsored by an old friend, Hanshi Osamu Ozawa. Ozawa Sensei did his usual wonderful job of hosting and overseeing the last minute details, which always make his tournament so unique. Upon returning to our homes after the tournament we were notified and deeply saddened by the announcement of Hanshi Ozawa's death. He will be missed by the entire karate world and it will be some time before we see the likes of him again. |
On May 3rd several officials and contestants of the U. S. Chito-kai participated in the AAU 6th regional tournament in Chicago, Illinois. Many of the Chito-ryu students qualified to attend the National Championships in Florida. Several students who were coached by Sensei Manual Byers won Gold, Silver and Bronze while in Florida. |
Kyoshi Dometrich held a clinic in Rochester, New York on May 14th as he visited the dojo of Sensei David Tollis. Again the theme was the same as in Florida: Chito-ryu concepts.
After leaving Rochester, Kyoshi and Okusan traveled to Toronto, Canada to visit Hanshi Masami Tsuruoka, 9th Dan and Father of Canadian Karate. |
On May 30th, Kyoshi Dometrich and the U.S. Chito-kai hosted a seminar at Ludlow High School in Kentucky. Guest instructor was Kyoshi Patrick McCarthy, a leading researcher of martial arts and one of the worlds leading martial arts historians. Kyoshi McCarthy is a member of one of the most respected martial arts organization in the world today, the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai. The theme for the seminar was the kata Nipaipo. Nipaipo is very old and is considered to be the longest kata in karate. The seminar was a huge success. On June 6th a small memorial service was held at the Yoseikan Hombu in Covington in honor of Doctor Chitose who passed away fourteen years earlier. A large memorial service is scheduled for the 18th of October which is to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of Doctor Chitose's birth. (1898-1998). On June the 14th Shihan Nishime and his wife hosted a wonderful riverboat cruise and luncheon on the Ohio river as a method of thanking the many officials of the AAU who assisted them when they hosted the Ohio AAU Karate Championships. A fantastic time was had by all. Many Sensei from various styles met, ate, relaxed, and reminisced about their long friendships and memories which have spanned many decades. |
On August 20 -22 the United Sates Chito-kai held it's annual; summer camp. This year we were again honored to have Hanshi Masami Tsuruoka teaching alongside Kyoshi Dometrich. It was also a great honor to have Sensei Inomoto and Ikeda from Japan to assist. |
September 19 an few students traveled to Connelsville, PA where Kyoshi Dometrich was asked once again to participate in a teaching clinic hosted by Angel Ross, a student of Fumio Demura. Sensei Demura taught Bo and self defense and Kyoshi Dometrich taught Kumite techniques Labor Day weekend Kyoshi Dometrich and some students attended Sensei Jo Gonzalez's annual J.K.A. Karate Tournament. Nineteen medals were brought back to Kentucky. |
October 2-3 a demonstration team traveled to Norfolk, Va. to demonstrate at the first world Butoku-sai (Dai Nippon Butoku-kai). Kyoshi Dometrich and his students were invited by Hanshi Tesshin Hamada. The Butoku-sai was held at Old Dominion University with over two-hundred and fifty black belt practitioners from twelve nations participating in the historic event. The Honorable Jiko Higashi Fushimi, cousin to Emperor Akihito, led the Japanese delegation from the Hombu comprised of twenty-two members. |
On October 16th, 1998 over 160 Chito-ryu students and families celebrated O-Sensei's birthday with a clinic, black belt test, and Banquet at the U.S. Chito-kai Hombu in Covington, KY. An anniversary stone and plaque was presented to the Hombu by the students and was placed in the front garden. Many speeches, reflections, and memories of O-Sensei were given by those who were fortunate enough to have met and trained with him. |