This page will serve as a repository of most recent information and pictures. Most of what is contained here eventually will be incorporated into future U.S. Chito-kai history pages.

The Audra Experience
6/21/2024 – 6/23/2024

by Julie Reiskamp
Camping has never been my Forte. The bugs, alone, are enough to scare this city girl away. With that being said, my family of four came down to Audra, WV for our first family camping trip. To be honest, I tried to get out of camping altogether because of all my concerns. We almost were unable to come because of our son, Connor's, new Type 1 diabetes diagnosis, only a week before. I'm glad we ended up coming though. It was an experience I'd like to repeat again.
Our campsite was a gravel plot with river access, partly shaded by a towering tree. We pitched our tent and decorated it with the luxury items my husband bought to make our visit more tolerable. I was quite relieved, also, that the campsite had WIFI. It enabled daddy and I to monitor our son's glucose on our electronic devices.
That evening we were invited to a local restaurant by Sensei Don Schmidt and Sensei Wes Ernest. Half of the attendees were strangers to us. Despite this fact, they were very welcoming. We ate delicious food, talked as family, and laughed together too. My son accidentally confused one of the members for the son of Sensei Ernest. They were lighthearted about his honest mistake and giggled. No offense was taken.
We were welcomed back to our campsite with intense humidity. The air quality, however, did not ruin our trip. Light pollution was nearly non-existent and the stars twinkled brightly above our heads as we went to sleep. What a nice way to end our evening!
The morning's sunlight roused us all about 6 am. We were invited to Sensei Don Schmidt's campsite for breakfast. My husband grilled while the others used a cast iron skillet over their fire pit. Our early morning was spent with good company and yummy food.

Around 10 am, my husband and son dressed in their GI's. We proceeded to a small field near the river waterline. The boys joined their karate companions, or "Karate Ka", as my husband says, for a four-hour training session. Due to my son's condition, I had to visit him regularly to check his glucose. I would make trips back from the beach with my daughter every thirty minutes or so. The karate company was patient and understanding. Something else worth mentioning is the water training. They trained in the water toward the end of the second hour. Later I was advised that this happened because my son had expressed a desire to do so. They made a point to make my ten-year-old son happy. That speaks volumes to me about their character.
After the second hour, my son was through. He stepped away because of his diabetes to get lunch. Then he was able to play with his sister at the beach for a couple hours, while waiting for his daddy to be finished. The beach is definitely worth visiting again. The kids enjoyed the mini waterfall and trying to catch minnows in the shallow waters.
That evening, another karate member invited us to their campsite for a grill out. Much like before, most of the company were strangers. We were not treated like outsiders. They welcomed us with open arms and insisted we eat to our capacity. Though we were unable stay long, it was worth noting the positivity of our experience.
Our evening concluded at our tent with campsite slushies. The kids were overjoyed with our trip and became sorrowful of our impending departure the next morning. While packing the next morning, my husband and I were having difficulty deflating our inner tubes. Sensei Bill Jansak was taking a walk and noticed our struggle. He stopped by our site to show us an easy way to deflate them. His kindness saved us time and energy.
I asked the boys to critique their karate training experience. Connor revealed that he really enjoyed the water training. He was also very amused during field training because everyone kept stepping in deer dung. Bryson, my husband, said he enjoyed slowing down on his kata, so he could correct minor overlooked mistakes. River training was a satisfying experience that most only get to watch on television. When experienced firsthand it is appreciated and a fond memory to come. I enjoyed getting to know people that I previously only spoken a few words to in the dojo. My daughter, being six, enjoyed the beach.
Overall, the trip was a success. The boys enjoyed the karate event while the girls played at the beach. The bugs that I was worried about didn't bite to the best of my knowledge. The humidity was not insufferable enough to disrupt our good time. We enjoyed our trip so much that we may be back next year, God willing.

National Event October 14, 2023

by Don Schmidt, Renshi
How appropriate was Renshi John Wellbrock's speech about "7 times down, 8 times up?" Translated to Japanese Nana Karobi Ya Oki is the meaning and similar to "if first you do not succeed, try, try again." Likely all in the room have experienced a life occurrence or calamity that forces you to get up off the ground and back on your feet. This relates to our National test and banquet because some who were not promoted during their last test returned to test in front of the National Test Board to demonstrate their improvement. In addition, Okusan lost the venue for the banquet a mere 4 weeks removed from the day of the event on October 14.
Okusan and Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt had the entire arrangements confirmed when out of the blue the venue for the banquet was no longer available. Several visits to other rental facilities resulted in no luck so they decided that the Hombu would suffice. A lot more work had to be done to transfer the dojo into a banquet hall in short order, but USCK members came together and made it work.
On Friday, October 13, the National Test Board consisting of Kyoshi Schmidt, Renshi John Wellbrock, Renshi Lawrence Hawkins III, Shihan Kevin Drummond and Shihan Paul Knecht convened to review those test candidates willing to demonstrate their skills on this day that defies good fortune. Test Committee members Shihan Bill DiGrezio and myself ran the drills pushing the test candidates to their limit. When the dust settled Paul Hankle from Yoseikan Crozet was promoted to Sandan, Brian Cobb Yoseikan Anderson was promoted to Nidan, Pat O'Brien, Hombu, and Scottie Quinones, Yoseikan Bridgeport, were promoted to Shodan, and Mark Gresge, Yoseikan Crozet and Jet Ha, Yoseikan Anderson were promoted to Ik-kyu. All test candidates had no fear on this day of reckoning and were promoted.
On Saturday, we had the clinic honoring the founder of Chito-Ryu Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose. Kyoshi Schmidt opened the training emphasizing basics, posture, kumite distancing, kata and other issues we all need to improve. Sensei Almonte Covington from Louisville brought 3 karateka from his dojo to join in the training. Renshi John Wellbrock taught the second session and taught the tai sabaki drill which emphasizes side stepping and distancing.
During the third hour of the training Shihan Paul Knecht taught some of the Henshuho and focused on the techniques that contain side-stepping and utilizing the appropriate weapon for the proximity of the target. The final hour of the training involved dividing the group into thirds. Renshi Eric Ford, Renshi Wes Ernest and myself instructed these break-out groups on kumite ideas. The kumite instruction involved Tai sabaki, closing, finding targets, creating openings, and well…just kumite.
On Saturday evening we met at the dojo which was transformed into a beautiful banquet facility. Drinks and socializing started off the evening. Dinner was served at 7 which likely was the first food for those who attended the clinic earlier in the day. Shihan Tony DiTerlizzi presented his year in review. Kyoshi Schmidt shared her stores about O-Sensei that date back to 1967 when she was three. It was in 1967 that O-Sensei Chitose visited the Dometrich's home and the United States Chito Kai was born.
Other than those who tested and promoted the night before, one promotional announcement was made by Okusan. Kyoshi Sherry Dometrich Schmidt was promoted to hachidan or 8th degree black belt. The announcement was well deserved and endorsed by all present as evidenced by the standing ovation that erupted.


by Don Schmidt, Renshi
On July 27, 2023, a group of USCK members returned to Clarksburg, WV for the official unveiling of the museum display honoring native son and daughter Hanshi Dometrich and Okusan Webster Dometrich. As you can see from the pictures a headless Hanshi is visible. I encouraged Okusan to no avail to stand behind the mannequin to give it a head. But, trust me. The headless mannequin is a far improvement from the Styrofoam faceless head that was topped with a Robert Redford hairdo he sported in The Great Gatsby.
Originally, the display was across the great aisle of the museum with references to Hanshi and Okusan. However, when it was moved to the other side of the aisle all references to Okusan's legacy disappeared. The headless Hanshi was disturbed as were the ladies in our travel group. The earth trembled, the building shook as oral protests filled the museum. After all, Hanshi always credited Okusan for making the USCK the successful organization it is today. The display will be changed to include references to Okusan's martial arts legacy.
In general, the museum has displays of famous and infamous natives or events of Clarksburg that made history. On July 29, the Dometrich ceremonial opening began with a karate demonstration outside in an area adjacent to the museum. Kyoshi Sherry Dometrich Schmidt narrated as karateka responded to her commands. Hombu karateka Pat O'Brien and I, Yoseikan Anderson karateka Shihan Shawna Lingo, Sara White and Austin Pfenninger, and Clarksburg karateka Shihan Michael Messenger participated in the demonstration. Shihan Lingo demonstrated self-defense by working some kai setz with her partner. She rocked the onlookers with her tremendous technique and kiai. I demonstrated some self-defense on an attacker with a knife. Onlookers included the museum staff, Shihan Kevin Drummond, Okusan's brother Joel and his wife Marlyse, Okusan's sister-in-law Brenda Webster and Kyoshi Schmidt's cousins Julie Kacer and Katie Bond.
The weekend turned out to be a family event which included placing ashes from the late Nancy Webster in a vault and honoring the late Sam Webster.

Shochugeiko 2023

by Don Schmidt, Renshi & Sensei Matt Cowherd
Shochgeiko 2023 returned the USCK to DeVou Park for the second straight year. This year there were no warnings for high temperatures or other dreaded heat issues, but the chance of rain was high. Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt planned the 4-hour event for the 37 karateka. Some of which came from Crozet VA Yoseikan, Bridgeport WV Yoseikan, Anderson Yoseikan, Yoseikan II Cincinnati and Yoseikan Covington KY as well as Louisville Shotokan who also joined us! At the start, Kyoshi Schmidt led us through basics and basic kumite drills as a preparation for what was to come. A great hour of training under gray skies with a temperature about 80. As we prepared for the second session, the steady rain began to fall.
Fortunately, no lightening, so we headed to the training field for Sakagawa No Kon Sho training. Break-out groups were formed based on knowledge of the kata. Renshi Don Schmidt, Renshi Eric Ford and Shihan William A Jansak led the three groups. After an hour drenching of rain and the kata, a short break occurred. Still no lightening as the third hour started which involved a bo partner drill that was performed for the Dometrich travel group to O-Sensei Chitose's backyard in Kumamoto in 1971. Shortly, into this session led by Renshi Schmidt and Renshi Ford, chills started taking hold of some youth and as Shihan Jansak mentioned concern for hypothermia was addressed. Some were dismissed to get dry and warmer, but others continued and neared the finish of this session. A brief discussion between a few ranking black belts occurred about whether to start the fourth hour or allow all to get dry and warmer. Considering safety and the approach of a break in the rain we decided to end the training.
We had a window of opportunity to start the grills and finish with the picnic cookout. Newly promoted Grill Masters Chris Brueckner, David Hickenlooper and Austin Pfenninger got the grills going in a light rain, avoided a structure fire and perfected their grilling waza. Everyone ate, socialized, and sported their new Shochugeiko shirts!


by Renshi Don Schmidt
The annual Hanshi Memorial Clinic was held on March 18, 2023 in the Gloria Dei activity room which is proving to be a fine training facility. The USCK holds several clinics every year and on March 18, participants came from West Virginia, Virginia, Florida, and local dojo in Ohio and Kentucky. I probably could push the envelope and add France. Some reasons for coming include: training, learning, camaraderie, celebrating a USCK founder's birthday, or supporting Okusan and the USCK. There is a plethora of reasons to attend these events. Maybe our chant "we like it, we love it, we want more of it" says it all. Some could not make it because of family, work, or health, but their spirit was with us. Following the clinic we gathered at the hombu to continue the celebration.
Some well-known martial artists also were present. Sensei Devorah Dometrich Herbst, Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon ShinkoKai founder/chief instructor, helped again and arrived with Okusan. Shihan Terry Collis, USCK hombu practitioner for 60+ years, was present as Kyoshi Sherry Dometrich Schmidt began the training with a review of basics. We segued into basic kicking as Shihan Bill Jansak led drills involving kicks: front, side, round and back. Good fundamentals are so important in everything we do. At some point during our kicking segment, close friends of Okusan arrived to the clinic much to her delight. Sensei Bill George, Matsubayashi Ryu-Midwest Hombu Dojo founder/chief instructor, and Sensei Dwight Holley, Cincinnati Shotokan founder/chief instructor, arrived. Both are also long-time practitioners of martial arts.
Now that we had an excellent dose of basics, we began performing kata in rank appropriate, break-out groups. The kata instructors were Kyoshi Dometrich Schmidt, Renshi John Wellbrock, Renshi Eric Ford, and Renshi Wes Ernest.
After performing kata, we turned our attention to wrist escapes or something we call Te Hodoki. Renshi Wellbrock led the adult intermediate and upper ranks through these techniques while Renshi Ford, Renshi Ernest and myself matched up with beginner youths.
I taught the final session of the clinic that involved knife and club defense. When the end of the clinic arrived and the order to "line up" rang out, I heard someone say "already".
We cleaned up and within a few hours a large portion of the group gathered at the hombu for further discussion and celebration. Okusan gets a thunderous round of applause for putting this celebration together.


"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few."
(Shunryo Suzuki)
From the first night that my son Israel and I entered the Hombu we have been on a journey of "firsts" together. Life is full of firsts and our training in Chito-Ryu has been no different. For almost 4 years my son and I have been side by side growing as karateka and growing closer to each other as father and son. Now, not only do I get the opportunity to train with him, but I also get to train with my 2 daughters as well. Together we have endured the arduous training at the Hombu and stayed the course even when we were training from home for months via Zoom during the pandemic. It seems that our Chito-Ryu curriculum is excellent at producing "firsts" not only as a way of building perseverance, but also as a way of maintaining shoshin or "beginner's mind". Some time in my first year of training I think Sensei Matt Cowherd introduced me to the concept of shoshin and it has been with me ever since. This idea that we should keep the mental posture of a beginner bleeds over into everything new that we attempt. It helps to foster a sense of genuine humility and joy in everything. Trying new things becomes easier and less anxious.
Several months ago, Renshi Don Schmidt encouraged my son and I to compete in the Windy City karate tournament in Chicago. I was very anxious about entering a karate tournament in Chicago. Neither my son nor I had any concept of how it would be organized, the scale of the tournament, or the general skill level of the other competitors. About a week before the tournament my son and I were driving home one night from the dojo and he asked, "Dad, do you think it's going to be like the All-Valley Tournament in movie The Karate Kid?" Suffice it to say that it was nothing like fighting Cobra Kai, but it was a very worthwhile "first" to conquer together with my son. Together we were both beginners again. We were no longer brown belts. We would only be ranked by the quality of our training in competition with others. It was great!
My family and I drove to Chicago Friday afternoon and arrived at our hotel in time to spend the remainder of the evening relaxing before the big day. Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt was invited by host Joe Gonzalez to teach a segment of his two-hour clinic. Hombu student Pat O'Brien took the opportunity to participate in all the clinic segments. That evening, upon Renshi Schmidt's request, we ate Chicago deep dish pizza at Giordano's with Kyoshi Sherry and Renshi Don Schmidt, and Pat O'Brien. It was a late night, but their support and encouragement was greatly appreciated.
Saturday morning came quickly and before I knew it the Windy City Tournament was well under way. Renshi Schmidt started early and helped judge/referee the competition. My son Israel and I went with Edith and Elsa (my two daughters) to scope out the kids portion of the tournament. It was great to see my kids getting fired up and excited about certain competitors. It was equally interesting to see how our training has helped even my youngest daughter to understand and appreciate good karate and well executed techniques. We left after a few hours to get our gi and eat lunch. Israel, Pat O'brien, and I used the first hour after lunch to stretch, run through our team kata, and in general stay ready.
The tournament was running behind schedule by more than 2 hours when our competition numbers were called for team kata. Fortunately, we were able to watch several other teams bow in and run their kata before we were called to step out on the deck. Our team quickly adjusted to the changes and by the time Yoseikan Dojo was called up we had corrected many of the awkward parts to the bow-in. From the moment I announced "Seisan" the room felt like everyone stopped what they were doing, to watch our kata. It was awesome! I was so proud of our training and our dojo. I felt so grateful to be a beginner again competing in our first tournament. In the end we managed to come in second in team kata. We came in second to a team of black belts that were 10-20 years our senior.
Following team kata Israel, Pat, and I competed individually in kata. Again, it was thrilling to bow in and announce "Seisan" and make the room quiet. In a room full of Shotokan karateka it was a great opportunity to display the beauty of our style. Several times that day karateka from other dojo located in St. Louis, Madison Wisconsin, and Chicago came to ask me about our dojo or to say something encouraging! There was remarkable respect in the room. Israel and I both came in second in individual kata. Another incredibly proud moment was watching my son excel and do his best at something we both love so much!
Hours passed rather quickly even though by this time the event was running hours behind schedule. The commitment level in the room and the respect that was present as we were all waiting was invigorating to be a part of. Everyone was eagerly waiting for their "shot". Israel, Pat, and I all signed up to compete in Ippon Jiu Kumite. The tournament defined this differently than anything we previously trained in the dojo. Each karateka got one rando attack and one block and counter. Even though we had never trained this way before and were not prepared for this kind of competition Pat and I both did very well! Pat came in second and I came in first against some stiff competition. This style of random attack with a block and counter has quickly become one of my favorite drills to run in the dojo after the tournament! Israel competed as a 13-year- old against other karateka in his division who were 17. Needless to say as his father, I was praying he wouldn't need to fight against the 17-year-old who outweighed him by 50lbs. He learned a great deal and I am so proud that he was willing to "mix it up" with guys so much bigger than him!
After waiting patiently all day to compete in kumite the brown belt division was almost forgotten, but after some coaxing, they included us as the final competition. I must admit that at 43 I asked myself what I was doing in a karate tournament fighting other grown men, but it was worth it! I came in 2nd place in the brown belt division. Sensei Allen Renfro from Owensboro, KY said it was better karate than what he saw in the black belt division and Sensei Joe Gonzalez agreed! It was a humbling "first" experience as a beginner that we will never forget. Yoseikan dojo walked away with 8 medals in all and represented The U.S. Chito Kai very well in Chicago!
I want to be sure to thank Okusan, Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt, and Renshi Don Schmidt for coming to Chicago to coach us! I also want to thank them for training us so well! It was great to feel like a beginner again! Thank you for all of your sacrifice and hard work to pass the Chito-Ryu legacy on to us!
John Paul McEwan


by Don Schmidt, Renshi
I am taking this opportunity to provide Okusan her own byline about obtaining "legend" status. Hopefully, you read my June 17, 2022 article about how the legend Hanshi Dometrich is being enshrined in a museum in his hometown Clarksburg, West Virginia. That article mentioned how the curator was interested in enshrining Okusan in the museum once he learned that she too was a Clarksburg native and has her own fetes related to martial arts. On August 5, 2022 a group of us returned to Clarksburg with more artifacts to place in the museum.
Do not pack your travel vehicle just yet if you are only interested in seeing the display in the museum because as of now all you will see is the empty cabinet. This is a work in progress and it will take some time before the display is unveiled for public viewing. Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt spent the last two months refining the narrative and gathering more pictures/memorabilia for the display. We will keep you posted when the unveiling of the display occurs.
On August 5, Okusan, Kyoshi Schmidt, myself and two hombu students Montiel Rosenthal and Pat O'Brien met up with Yoseikan Anderson's bus containing Renshi Shawna Lingo and two of her students Sara White and Austin Pfenninger and headed to Clarksburg. On Friday evening, the museum curator hosted a fair in the main square to promote the museum so he asked Kyoshi Schmidt if we could do a demonstration. Our travel group coordinated with Shihan Kevin Drummond from Bridgeport Yoseikan who brought several of his students to the square and together we showed the crowd our Chito-ryu.
After the demonstration we had dinner and afterwards Shihan Michael Messinger invited all back to his spacious estate where we sat on his dock and had enjoyable conversation with each other, the swans and their cygnets.


by Don Schmidt, Renshi
Shochugeiko 2022 took place at a different venue. We normally trained at Big Bone State Park which is located in a valley. This year we trained at Devou Park located high on a hill with splendid views of the cities below. Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt designed the commemorative shirt based on the panoramic, scenic view. One could say that we got closer to the sun for this extreme training clinic!
This year's weather forecast for Saturday, July 23, was no different than last year's prediction. Predicted were 97 degrees with humitures over 100 degrees. Of course, high heat predictions are always accompanied with warnings like stay in-doors, do not go out unless absolutely necessary, drink lots of fluids, keep an eye on the elderly, et al. These warnings and conditions certainly make USCK Shochugeiko participants aware that we are going to do for 4-5 hours what everyone is saying not to do. On Friday I drank more water than normal which awoke me 5 times during the night and made me ponder about all my hydration going down the drain.
Some decided that it is too hot for them to participate. It is meant to be extreme training to help participants overcome difficult situations; like getting jumped on the street. During, set up time at about 9, the sun was out, heat and humidity were rising and it was feeling like the training time was going to be rough. When training began, clouds began drifting in while Shihan Bill Jansak led the warm-up session. Shihan Jansak is a guru on stretching and focused our stretching on the muscle groups we were about to utilize the most. Sweat was already soaking into the gi.
Renshi Lawrence Hawkins III taught the second hour leading us through basics. He also introduced a drill based on San Ju Waza that involved moving in multiple directions, in different stances, rather than being stationary during the thirty techniques. The drill initially followed the embusen of our Taikyoku kata. Although we were not baking in the sun, the gi were getting wetter. The clouds began to get gray and a stronger breeze picked up which was a welcomed relief to those in gi and others not in gi who scurried to secure tent canopies. The breeze was really a wind gust and we were high on a hill. Shihan Shawna Lingo helped with the youth during this session.
Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt led our third session. By now it was storming across the Ohio River, but far enough away that lightening never posed an issue. It never rained on us either, but the wind kept blowing in the cooler air related to the storm occurring north of us. Kyoshi Schmidt led us through the Taikyoku kata as all ranks trained hard. Shihan Eric Ford took several beginner youth aside to help them with their kata when Kyoshi Schmidt advanced to kata they did not know. Kyoshi Schmidt continued to emphasize the importance of basic technique and by now gi were thoroughly drenched. At one point she mentioned that her wrist gadget indicated the temperature was 82 degrees. Obviously, not near as hot as all the expert forecasters on weather had predicted. From our vantage point we could see clearing occurring and the wind was subsiding. By the time her session was over the sun was out and the temperature was rising. She never repeated the temperature.
We made it to the last hour of training which I was assigned to teach a two person, kumite drill called Taikyoku Kumite Waza. As the name suggests, it is a partner drill derived from our Taikyoku kata. Since most were being introduced to this drill for the first time, the pace of training was a welcomed relief. This drill involves back and forth attacks, blocks, counters, culminating in victory for the initial defender. The principles of sen no sen, go no sen, distancing, are present in this drill.
At the conclusion of the clinic Meiyo Hanshi Barbara Dometrich, who is the Midwest Coordinator for the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai International Division, formally presented DNBK rank certification diploma to two visiting Shotokan practitioners from Louisville, Kentucky-Allan George Jr, Roku dan and Erin Grogan, San dan. DNBK protocol requires that these certificates be presented in person, in formal ceremonial fashion, directly to recipients of these prestigious DNBK certificates that contain the official crest/seal of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai. They are officially signed: Sosai, (Governor of DNBK) Higashifushimi, Jiko (Sosai Seal); President, Board of Directors of DNBK, Hamada, Tesshin (President Seal). Thunderous applause erupted congratulating these individuals for their endeavor in budo.
We had a cook out and picnic directly following the clinic and presentations. Collectively, we socialized, cooled off, and enjoyed the comradery the event creates realizing that we survived the extreme training that was not as bad as everyone was concerned about. The setting was a perfect choice by Meiyo Hanshi Dometrich and I am looking forward to returning to the hill in Devou Park.


by Don Schmidt, Renshi
Perhaps around 2005, Hanshi and Okusan were in a local bank. A customer saw Hanshi and exclaimed "I know you. You're a legend!" Hanshi was taken back by the comment because this was the first someone referred to him as a legend in public and he did not recognize the customer. When Hanshi reiterated the story to me, he was all laughs over the comment because he never thought of himself as a legend.
Well, thanks to Shihan Michael Messinger who knew someone in Clarksburg, West Virginia who was operating a museum in downtown Clarksburg, William J. Dometrich will be enshrined and, therefore, certainly fits the definition of a legend. The curator was looking to enshrine Clarksburg natives of interest in the museum so Sensei Messinger mentioned Hanshi and contacted Kyoshi Sherry Schmidt who in turn contacted the curator. Several phone calls later Kyoshi Schmidt was developing a timeline, gathering pictures, artifacts and whatever to present to the curator on the weekend of June 17, 2022. Keep in mind that Okusan just recently moved so most of her memorabilia were in crates somewhere in her home and two storage units filled with boxes and crates.
As June 17, approached Kyoshi Schmidt was filling a plastic bin with what the curator indicated he was looking to display. On a whim, I asked Okusan, if the curator is looking for Clarksburg natives who made a name for themselves, what about you? Of course she shrugged and said he is interested in Hanshi.
On June 17, Okusan, Kyoshi Schmidt, myself, hombu student Pat O'Brien, Shihan Shawna Lingo and two of her students Sarah and Austin headed to Clarksburg. I traveled with Kyoshi Schmidt and Okusan in a Prius. That's right. We did not take all of Hanshi's accolades and "stuff" he accumulated during his lengthy martial arts history. We took what Kyoshi Schmidt believed the curator wanted to start a display. She had no idea what size the display was or the museum for that matter.
On Friday afternoon our group met the curator. Shihan Kevin Drummond, Bridgeport Dojo Head, joined us in the museum. Kyoshi Schmidt and I discussed in detail with the curator what he wanted. It did not take too long to realize that we had too much "stuff" in one little bin that fit in a Prius and would fit in with the theme of the museum. The curator learned about Okusan and her native roots and next thing we knew we had two inductees into the museum. AWESOME!!!! Hanshi had to be grinning from ear to ear, supernaturally speaking, knowing that he and his wife are going to be enshrined in a museum of legends in their home town Clarksburg, West Virginia. This is so appropriate because we know that they are the cofounders of the United States Chito Kai or the karate organization that is probably the most successful in the United States.
We left the museum with a better picture of what we needed to do to incorporate martial arts legends William J. Dometrich and Barbara Ellen Webster Dometrich in their hometown museum. We also left the museum with an appetite.
But first, we had to train at Shihan Drummond's dojo. In conjunction with this training, Kyoshi Schmidt and Shihan Drummond concocted a test format for one of his students testing for ik kyu. To make ik kyu, students are required to test in front of the National Test Board in October at the hombu, but there are exceptions to this policy. The candidate was Scotty Quinones who would not be able to travel to the hombu to test because of a medical affliction. He has trained with Shihan Drummond for 21 years and is one of his most dedicated students. Kyoshi Schmidt ran the drills and some of higher ranks training alongside him that night were asked to evaluate his performance. He was awesome and earned the rank of ik kyu.
That evening Cindy Drummond met up with us and our entire group went to a Japanese restaurant. On Saturday Shihan Lingo took her students to Audra State Park to show them the significance of that beautiful campground while we gave Pat O'Brien a tour of the legends' childhood homes, schools and other eateries in Clarksburg.
Presently, the museum display is a work in progress. You will be informed when the display is open for review. In coordination with the museum and its first Friday celebrations, the USCK will be involved in a karate demonstration on August 5. Any and all are welcomed to participate.

Observations from the Outside

by Almonte Covington, Head Instructor, Kentuckiana Shotokan Karate Do; DNBK Member
The weekend of March 19, 2022 found us gathered together to remember Hanshi William Dometrich. It was the 10th anniversary of his passing. The Yoseikan Chito Ryu group held their spring seminar/workout/memorial right on schedule; just as Hanshi would have wanted.
As an "outsider", the gathering was very nice to observe. I describe myself as an outsider as I am not a "member" of Yoseikan Chito Ryu. This did not matter to the folks gathered. True, they have held this gathering for quite a long time and I have been "visiting" for some 20 plus years. However, they have always welcomed me and anyone who attended. The spirit of Martial Arts is so inspiring, thus the reason to attend year after year. The consistency of being welcomed just plain feels good.
The Chito Ryu group worked on Chito Ryu techniques. It was great! The Basics, Kihon Waza, are the Basics. Correct the stance. Perform proper rotation and path for blocking. Have correct kime when striking. "Outsiders" have the opportunity to learn. The skillful instructors take the time to break the techniques down so they are easy to pick up, allowing everyone to fully participate. Watching the Black Belts work was great!! They were very serious and focused. The energy generated motivates one to keep going. They don't say "be like me". They set the example for you to WANT to be like them; to work like them; to display Martial Spirit like them.
There is so much to learn. Hanshi Dometrich has left a great legacy in the people presenting the Art. Thank you for the time. This "outsider" of 20 plus years will be going back for more.


by Don Schmidt, Renshi
How appropriate the 2021 Shochugeiko commemorative shirt as designed by Kyoshi Sherry Kembre illustrates what most of us have experienced since our last Shochugeiko training in July 2019. The comradery of training together was truly missed during the COVID shutdown saga. I, Renshi Don Schmidt, am looking forward to our group training again in October. The first day I wore the commemorative shirt I was complimented on the design, but the person asked "What is the third choice"?
Shochugeiko this year occurred under the threat of severe weather. But we donned our gi and showed up at Big Bone State Park and began training under cloudy conditions. Kyoshi Kembre led the first hour and as soon as we got hot, a light shower occurred. Well, maybe a heavy shower, but no lightning. Peeks of sun steamed up our training area on occasion, but then another shower moved through. AWESOME! The field was soaked like a sponge and as we did kicking drills in sunshine, water sprayed from feet in every direction. Personally, I was looking forward to turning around to give some pay back with my size 13 wet feet. The more hip or snap in maigeri keage, one could spew water two rows forward. I also learned that training on a sponge field cleansed my feet so I did not have to spend two days getting dirt off the bottoms of my feet.
The second hour involved Sensei Bill DiGrezio leading black belts through kata while Kyoshi Kembre led the kyu ranks through kata. Same weather conditions prevailed, but our spirit overcame.
The last two hours of the clinic involved kobudo and since we were in a field we trained with bo. Hanshi Devorah Herbst, Founder/President of RyuKyu Kobudo Hozon Shinkokai, Beikoku So Honbu, taught advanced ranks bo kihon and Shuji no Kon Sho. Renshi Eric Ford taught beginner and intermediate ranks bo kihon and Sakagawa no Kon Sho. I taught beginner children bo kihon and introduced them to Taikyoku no Kon Sho. The last hour of the clinic was in full sunshine and the children could not be contained any longer as they loaded up with water balloons and devised a plan of attack on the intermediate kyu ranks. They left the advanced ranks alone.
Pandemic conditions were yielded to so we did not have our pot luck banquet after the training. Additionally, the training focused on social distancing. Participants, if they chose, brought their own picnic lunch which added to the comradery of being together again. After the clinic all participants in the field turned to Meiyo Hanshi Barbara Dometrich in the shelter and gave her banzai cheer in recognition of her accomplishments.

Older entries can be found in the U.S. Chito-kai history pages.