Our Mission:

All members of the United States Chito-ryu Karate Federation shall be guided by the insight of Doctor Tsuyoshi Chitose (O-Sensei) whose dedication established our past, whose genius determines our present, and whose vision shapes our future. We will preserve his place in karate history. We shall preserve the kata and techniques of our style's founder, O-Sensei, and guide our students in the development of the proper spirit and technique as established by William J. and Barbara E. Dometrich (U.S. Chito-kai founders), and as interpreted by the U.S. Shihan-kai and taught by the U.S. Chief Instructor and promulgate Chito-ryu wherever possible.
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U.S. Chito-kai Karate Federation
Upcoming event(s):
    October 18, 2024 - National Test Board
    October 19, 2024 - National Seminar
    October 19, 2024 - National Banquet


2024.10.02 : L a s t   U p d a t e d

| 2024.10.02 : News