2013 - United States Chito-kai Continues On

My goal for the U.S.C.K. is to do the best we can to further our knowledge of Chito-ryu.  To encourage others through the U.S.C.K. to be disciplined, loyal, and honorable individuals.  I have dedicated my life to this organization that my husband and I co-founded.  It is my hope that the martial arts training that we have experienced will help to educate the future martial artists and the general public.  To understand what it means to be loyal, have courage, duty to country and self; thus to have enough discipline to make sacrifices in life.  I believe the U.S.C.K. has all the virtues needed to accomplish these ideals.

It is my hope that each of us will follow the virtues set forth by the U.S.C.K. and that we be role models in our marital arts training and in our future endeavors, We must realize that family comes first, the means to support our family is second, and then the practice of martial arts.  Technical excellence is not the most important quality, what is in a person’s heart is what counts.  I hope that everyone will do their best in whatever endeavor they choose, to give 110%.

My philosophy of budo is that it is the path of understanding oneself.  A person cannot understand others if he does not understand himself first.  In martial arts there is no place for ego or narcissist personalities.  This can be the demise of many martial artists.  One must bring his true self in line with the philosophies of budo: honor, loyalty, duty and integrity.  Above all you must have true compassion.

I encourage the U.S.C.K. members to take advantage of our qualified instruction by attending seminars taught by our instructors as well as quest instructors and to meet our fellow members. The U.S.C.K. instructors have been well prepared to teach Chito-ryu.  Hanshi always made it a point to expose his instructors to the best instruction from other styles to help our students to more fully understand karate-do and to enhance our instructor’s understanding of Chito-ryu. Hanshi left videos and manuals as resources.  Chito-ryu is a living art and it is the student’s responsibility to continue to perfect their knowledge of Chito-ryu and to keep Hanshi’s teachings alive.

In the past few months a few members have chosen to leave the U.S. Chito-kai organization.  While this has been a disappointment it will not deter the U.S.C.K. from its mission.  The support of our current members has helped to ease the loss of Hanshi and in helping to continue his quest.  I look forward to the future and working with the dedicated students of Chito-kai.

The United States Chito-kai will continue on and maintain the standards as set down for us by our late founder and leader Hanshi William J. Dometrich.

Barbara E. Dometrich
Roku Dan, Kyoshi
Co-Founder & Chairman, U.S. Chito-kai

Previous issues:

2005 - Beginner's Mind

2004 - State of the Federation

1999 - Dai Nippon Butoku kai

1997 - Direction setting